
Raspberry Pomegranate Gin by Laura
Today's featured gin infusion comes from Laura, our lovely team member who does so much for our brand behind the scenes. Laura has made more gin than anyone we know, and she is now mastering cockt...

Blackberry Gin by Eva
Our next featured ginmaker is Eva from Toronto, Canada!
Eva has been infusing her own gin since before she ever heard of the Do Your Gin kit, and when she found out about the product she couldn't...

Passion Fruit Gin by Laura
Passion fruit only came into my life last summer - how could I ever live without it before!? It all started very innocently on a super hot summer day in Berlin. Instead of drinking water, I was i...

Cinnamon Orange Gin 🍊 by Vincent
This week's special gin comes from Vincent, one of the founding brothers of Do Your Gin!
Making your own gin is definitely fun and exciting, but you don't have to stop there. You can also infuse ...

Beet Gin by Mix Mann
This week's gin comes from the Mix Mann, you can follow him on instagram at @mixmann. While the beets weren't infused directly into the gin, there was an infusion component and an amazing amount ...

Cucumber Gin by Laura
Let the cucumber infuse for 3-5 days, shake it well, shake again two or three times per day and strain afterwards. Voila, your gin is ready! Easy as that!
Dill Pickles are actually an infusion...

Cacao Chocolate Gin made by Cocomo Chocolates
This recipe is brought to you by Dani and Karolina from Cocomo Chocolates. Follow us on Instagram at @cocomo_chocolates.
We make our own DIY hand-made chocolate kits and workshops here in beautif...