Day 18:  Smoky Spiced Apple Cider: A Winter Whiskey Tale

Picture the faint cracking of a fire and the delicious scent of apples on a winter day—that’s the magic apple wood chips bring to your whiskey. With their delicate balance of fruity sweetness and soft smokiness, these chips transform your blend into something special. It’s like bottling the essence of winter, ready to enhance your festive creations.

Why not let this newfound magic shine in a cocktail that’s warm and inviting - simply perfect for cold winter nights?

Smoky Spiced Apple Cider


  • Whiskey (2 oz)
  • Apple Wood Chip
  • Cinnamon Botanical
  • Apple cider (4 oz)
  • Cinnamon stick for garnish


  1. Infuse your whiskey with Apple wood chips and Cinnamon botanical for about two days to unlock a rich, layered flavor.
  2. Warm the apple cider gently on the stove until it’s steaming and aromatic.
  3. Combine the infused whiskey and cider in a mug, stirring to blend the flavors.
  4. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, and enjoy a sip of pure holiday cheer.

This cocktail brings together the smoky warmth of whiskey, the cozy spice of cinnamon, and the crisp sweetness of apple cider for a drink that feels like Christmas in a cup. Let the apple wood chips inspire you to explore new depths of flavor as your whiskey journey continues!